Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - A Brief Personal Note

 Just before we post the last few auction items that we are covering here this year, I wanted to take a little time out to thank everyone who stopped by this page to have a look, and to all those who have put items into the auction.

It's certainly been a bit different this year. For a start, this is the first year since I started writing the auction blog that I haven't actually seen a single item that will be going under the hammer. I don't think anything had arrived at the shop for photographing when we closed due to the lock-down. I haven't been into work since the end of March so a massive thank you needs to go to my colleagues who live more locally than I do for doing all the hard work and providing me with photographs and details to be able to post here. All the items will be at the auction house by the time I return to work after the coming weekend.

The auction catalogue goes online tomorrow (20th August) and the sale is on Saturday 29th. The links will be posted here as soon as I have them. We've saved a couple of tasty lots for last so stay tuned for those too. (Though the St Peter's Church collection box remains my favourite item this year!) You can select to see all the 2020 items by clicking the relevant link at the top of the page, just under the bidding instructions. I tried to get through as much as possible, but there should be images and details on the online catalogue too. It's been jolly weird not having to type that up this time around! 

Hopefully next year things will be a little more normal, in the meantime stay safe and thanks again for stopping by! 

