Items from the Cavern and referring directly to the Beatles are obviously of most interest to Beatles collectors, but there is also a lot of interest in other Merseyside Venues and groups.
This Iron Door membership card is valued at between £30-£40
This collection of club items is valued at around £20-£30. I love the name of the "New Shaking Around Club" - Do you shake, rock or roll?
This is a small sample of around a dozen Merseyside band business cards which are all together in one lot in the auction. They are estimated at £30-£40 (I wonder what the Bilbo Baggins Band sound like?)
This small collection of Merseyside concert tickets carries an estimate of £40-£50.
If you have any items of interest for the auction please contact us. Click the link on the right for details of how to get in touch.
Press enquiries should be made through the same contact link.
Better images of items can be made available to the press upon request.