Tuesday, 27 October 2020

A Quick Update about Valuations

 It’s usually around now that we see the first items arriving for the next Beatles Auction, or at least people popping in for the odd valuation. Quite obviously things aren’t quite the same this year.

Various local Covid related restrictions across the country including Liverpool means that all but essential travel is being discouraged.

We can however still give valuations via email. Currently, Stephen is only available in the shop from Thursday to Saturday but can occasionally check in on the emails when he isn’t here. So, if you have any Beatles or Merseybeat band related items you want a valuation then drop him an email at stephen@thebeatleshop.co.uk. Include a nice clear photograph of the item if you can and he will get back to you as soon as possible.

As ever, valuations are free and there’s no obligation to place items into auction with us. However, if you are interested in selling them in our sale Stephen will take you through all the ins and outs of how to go about it.

Stay safe everyone, and we look forward to seeing everybody when things a back to normal. 

Friday, 11 September 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - Round Up and Thank You.

This year's auction was certainly different. Thank you to all our sellers and bidders for participating in the event, especially as it was a bit of a rapid learning curve for most of us under extraordinary circumstances.

The highlight of the auction was the trio of fabulous lots from St Peter's Church in Woolton. They raised a lovely amount of money for the Church. The hammer prices were - £800 for the floor block, £1200 for the four sections of stained glass from the Church Hall and £1700 for the collection box!

Hopefully, things will be a little more normal next year as we certainly missed seeing the regular faces this time around. 

The shop is currently open again but with limited opening hours and restrictions on customer numbers. 

Valuations are available via the shop. It's probably still best that you email enquiries to us at stephen@thebeatleshop.co.uk. If you are thinking about bringing items into to shop to be looked at please contact us first to check opening times and availability. Obviously, we apologise in advance if we have reason to close again.

Valuations are free of charge and there is no obligation to place items into the auction with us. However, we will be ready to take items for next year's auction by the end of October. 

Finally, we would like to send our best wishes to everyone at The Unity Theatre. We have loved working with you in recent years and really hope to be able to work with you again next summer.

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - Downloadable Version of Catalogue Text and Reminders of Auction Links

We've had requested for a downloadable version of the catalogue to make it easier for some people to read through it. You can download a pdf of a text version by clicking here.  It's only a basic version, but hopefully it will be helpful. 

And just a reminder about the links to the auction online - 

Pre-registering at either of the sites will save you time on the day. 

Easy Live Auction

The Sale Room

**Please check out the Buyers Notes for a change to the Buyer's Premium**

If you do not wish to bid live you can also leave bids with us at the Beatles Shop just email stephen@thebeatleshop.co.uk or call us on 0151 236 8066. We will require your full contact information from you Name, Address, Email, Phone Number if leaving a bid with us. Please note without this info your bid will not be accepted.

Payments for this year's auction can be made direct to us at The Beatles Shop, just call us on 0151 236 8066.

If you wish to collect your item from the auction on Sunday 30th or Monday 31st August please let us know on Friday 28th August. Otherwise items can be collected from Cato & Crane.

Best of luck to all the bidders! 

Friday, 21 August 2020


The auction catalogue is now available online

Pre-registering at either of the sites will save you time on the day. 

Easy Live Auction

The Sale Room

Absentee bids can be placed via the sites or by emailing stephen@thebeatleshop.co.uk 

**Please check out the Buyers Notes for a change to the Buyer's Premium**

If you do not wish to bid live you can also leave bids with us at the Beatles Shop just email stephen@thebeatleshop.co.uk or call us on 0151 236 8066. We will require your full contact information from you Name, Address, Email, Phone Number if leaving a bid with us. Please note without this info your bid will not be accepted.

Payments for this year's auction can be made direct to us at The Beatles Shop, just call us on 0151 236 8066.

If you wish to collect your item from the auction on Sunday 30th or Monday 31st August please let us know on Friday 28th August. Otherwise items can be collected from Cato & Crane.

Best of luck to all the bidders! 

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - Very Rare Abbey Road Photographic Prints

These amazing Abbey Road Prints are going into our auction later this month. 

Each one will be a separate lot. 

The fifth frame from the six Beatles images taken on the day was chosen as the album cover. 

Each comes with a copy of a letter explaining that the prints were originally given to the previous owner's mother who lived near the photographer, Iain McMillan. 

The Frame 1 print also comes with the original card packing which includes the photographer's signature and the date of the photoshoot. (The other frames come with a copy of this.) 

There are two copies of Frame 4 up for sale, one is uncropped and shows the negative identifier. 

All the prints are on Kodak paper and measure 11.5" square (the uncropped version of Frame 4 measures 12" square) 

The image on the Blue Dress print was used for the back cover of the album. 

These prints are highly sought after by collectors.  

Frame 1 (Estimate £3000-£4000)
Signed card (original is sold with Frame 1) 
Frame 2 (Estimate £3000-£4000)
Frame 3 (Estimate £3000-£4000)
Frame 4 (Estimate £3000-£4000)
Frame 4 (uncropped version) (Estimate £3000-£4000)
Frame 6 (Estimate £3000-£4000)
Blue Dress (Estimate £2500- £3000)

Please note the images have been watermarked for use on this blog, the actual prints do not feature this watermark. 

The auction is online only for 2020.
To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Full Set of Beatles Signatures in Autograph book

This autograph book belonged to Stephen Evans, cousin of Beatles Roadie Mal Evans. They are signed "To Stephen All The Best From The Beatles" written by John Lennon. The Beatles autographs were obtained by Mal and come with a letter from Stephen. 

Estimate £5500-£6000

HOW TO BID THIS YEAR The auction is online only for 2020. To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction. https://www.easyliveauction.com/ https://www.the-saleroom.com/ The catalogue will appear on these sites on Thursday 20th August.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Set of Beatles Autographs from 1967

The Beatles set of autographs obtained at West Malling Airfield during the filming of Magical Mystery Tour 1967 complete with a letter explaining that they were obtained by a cook on the RAF base for her Beatle fan daughter. 

Estimate - £5000-£6000


The auction is online only for 2020.

To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.



The catalogue will appear on these sites on Thursday 20th August.

Beatles Auction 2020 - A Brief Personal Note

 Just before we post the last few auction items that we are covering here this year, I wanted to take a little time out to thank everyone who stopped by this page to have a look, and to all those who have put items into the auction.

It's certainly been a bit different this year. For a start, this is the first year since I started writing the auction blog that I haven't actually seen a single item that will be going under the hammer. I don't think anything had arrived at the shop for photographing when we closed due to the lock-down. I haven't been into work since the end of March so a massive thank you needs to go to my colleagues who live more locally than I do for doing all the hard work and providing me with photographs and details to be able to post here. All the items will be at the auction house by the time I return to work after the coming weekend.

The auction catalogue goes online tomorrow (20th August) and the sale is on Saturday 29th. The links will be posted here as soon as I have them. We've saved a couple of tasty lots for last so stay tuned for those too. (Though the St Peter's Church collection box remains my favourite item this year!) You can select to see all the 2020 items by clicking the relevant link at the top of the page, just under the bidding instructions. I tried to get through as much as possible, but there should be images and details on the online catalogue too. It's been jolly weird not having to type that up this time around! 

Hopefully next year things will be a little more normal, in the meantime stay safe and thanks again for stopping by! 



Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - Ringo Starr Tile

 Ringo Starr tile by Carter UK 1964 

Estimate - £150-£180


The auction is online only for 2020.

To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.



The catalogue will appear on these sites on Thursday 20th August.

Beatles Auction 2020 - NME Pollwinners Programme 1965

New Musical Express 1965 Poll Winners Programme Wembley Empire Pool Sunday April 11th 1965. Programme features The Beatles and The Rolling Stones 

Estimate - £150-£200


The auction is online only for 2020.

To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.



The catalogue will appear on these sites on Thursday 20th August.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Poems and Notes from Cavern DJ Bob Wooler

A  selection of poems and written words formerly the property of Cavern Club DJ Bob Wooler

 Estimate - £150-£200


The auction is online only for 2020.

To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.



The catalogue will appear on these sites on Thursday 20th August.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Beatles Ringbinder

 The Beatles NEMS Enterprises Ringbinder USA 1964 

Estimate - £120-£140

Beatles Auction 2020 - Beatles Yellow Submarine Switch Plate

There was so much cool merchandise for the Yellow Submarine film! 

This is a Beatles Yellow Submarine Switch Plate cover from the USA in 1968.  

Estimate - £80-£100


The auction is online only for 2020.

To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.



The catalogue will appear on these sites on Thursday 20th August.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Beatles Toy Guitars

A range of toy guitars came out in the 1960s for young Beatles fans to play with and pretend they were in a fab mop-top band. These items are very displayable as they could be popped on a shelf or even on a wall! There are three different types up for auction at our online event later this month. 

The Beatles Big Six’ guitar manufactured by Selcol complete with original box UK 1964 

Estimate - £275-£350

The Beatles New Beat guitar manufactured by Selcol complete with original box UK 1964 

Estimate - £275-£350

The Beatles Cutaway guitar manufactured by Selcol UK 1964 

Estimate - £250-£300


The auction is online only for 2020.

To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.



The catalogue will appear on these sites on Thursday 20th August.

Monday, 17 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - UPDATE

Just a couple of updates regarding this year's sale. 

The auction catalogue will be available online on Thursday 20th August.
Links will be posted once it has gone live.
Pre-registering at either of the sites will save you time on the day. 



Absentee bids can be placed via the sites or by emailing stephen@thebeatleshop.co.uk 

Please check out the Buyers Notes for a change to the Buyer's Premium.

Any questions, please email stephen@thebeatleshop.co.uk 
The shop is now open, but we are operating under new opening times during the pandemic. Email is the preferred method of contact to help minimise cross-contact and help protect our staff. 

Friday, 14 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - Beatles Apron

This UK apron dates from 1964 and features Beatles style figures 

Estimate - £60-£70

To bid on this year's auction please follow the instructions at the top of the page under our header.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Neil Aspinall Autograph.

Beatles Road Manager, Neil Aspinall's signature on a small piece of paper 
Estimate - £100-£120

To bid in this year's auction please see the information at the top of the page under our header. 

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - Beatles Handbill for The Gaumont in Bournemouth 1963

This handbill is for The Beatles at the Gaumont in Bournemouth on August 19th 1963. It is complete with its booking slip. 

Estimate - £1200-£1300

The auction is online only for 2020.
To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.
The catalogue will appear on these sites as soon as it is ready. We will let you know as soon as it is available.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Beatles Handbill for Gaumont Taunton, 1963

This handbill is for the Beatles concert at the Gaumont in Taunton on 5th September 1963. It is missing its booking slip. 

Estimate - £700-£900


The auction is online only for 2020.

To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.



The catalogue will appear on these sites as soon as it is ready. We will let you know as soon as it is available.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Beatles 1960s Trading Card Promotional Poster

 The Beatles AB&C Bubble Gum Advertising Poster 13.5" x 18"

Estimate £750-£850

The auction is online only for 2020.
To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.
The catalogue will appear on these sites as soon as it is ready. We will let you know as soon as it is available.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Film Information Sheets for A Hard Day's Night and Help!

These film synopsis info sheets were sent to cinemas prior to release. There are two separate lots, one for A Hard Day's Night and one for Help! The estimates are £150-£180 each. 


The auction is online only for 2020.

To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.



The catalogue will appear on these sites as soon as it is ready. We will let you know as soon as it is available.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Handbill for 60s Film

This handbill is for a film made by the Liverpool Corporation and shown at a club in Liverpool. (The film "And The World Listened" is on youtube, see below) 


The estimate for this handbill is £30-£50

The auction is online only for 2020.
To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.
The catalogue will appear on these sites as soon as it is ready. We will let you know as soon as it is available.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - Stained Glass Panes From St Peter's Church Hall Woolton

This is another wonderful lot from St Peter's Church Hall in Woolton. 

These four panes of stained glass are from the window in the Hall. 

In 2018 one of the panels of stained glass fell out which led to an investigation into the condition of the windows which were believed to have been installed in the 19th century. This, in turn, led to the need for replacement windows. The panel that fell out is now part of the exhibition at The Liverpool Beatles Museum on Mathew Street. 

In one of the most charming coincidences in the Beatles world, the four colours used in the windows reflect the colours of the Beatles' jackets on the Sgt Pepper album cover. 

Since these panes have been in the church for so long and were in place on the very day that Paul auditioned to join John's band The Quarrymen, the glass has been saved and the Church plans to put them up for sale in the near future. When this happens they will be available in a presentation box with a display stand. 

Unfortunately, the current Covid-19 situation has put these plans on hold, but fortunately for one lucky bidder later this month, there is an opportunity to be the first person to purchase four panes, one in each colour and help raise much-needed funds for the church. 

The estimate is £150-£200

The photos below show the stained glass in situ, including a photograph from the 1940s, so they were certainly there for that fateful day in 1957! 

Photographs are used with permission.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Floor Block From St Peter's Church Hall Woolton

This piece of wood formed part of the original floor of the Church Hall, built in the mid-nineteenth century.  In 2001, a fire in one of the side rooms in the hall resulted in the replacement of small areas of the original floor.  All the floor blocks which had suffered varying degrees of fire damage were saved, including this one which was taken from the side room.

The side room was used by the youth club, of which John was a member, and would also have been used by the Quarrymen, including Paul, during the youth club dances.  It comes with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by the current Rector of St Peter’s, the Revd Kip Crooks.

This particular floor block has been partially restored to its 1957 glory by Colin Hanton, drummer with the Quarrymen.  It has not been varnished or changed in any other way.

Estimate - £150-£200

(With thanks to Donna Jackson for the description) 

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Beatles Auction 2020 - Update On This Year's Auction and How To Bid

This year's auction is a bit different to usual. We are obviously unable to hold the event at our regular venue so we have moved the entire thing online. We'll miss seeing all the regular faces and meeting new collectors, but fingers crossed that things are back normal next year and we can welcome you all back to the event in person. 

The auction will still be held on Saturday 29th August 2020 as we originally planned.

The catalogue is being put together right now and we will let you know as soon as you are able to browse through it. It will be available at the sites listed below. 

In order to bid on items this year, you need to have registered with one of the sites below that are hosting the auction. Then you should be all set as soon the full details are available. 

We'll post more information, including links to the catalogue at the sites above as soon we have it. 

Also, please note the Beatles Shop is still currently closed to the public so email is still the best point of contact at the moment until we are up and running again. Email stephen@thebeatleshop.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as we can. 

There are still a few more posts to come on this blog covering items in the auction. We are trying to cover as much as we can in the time we have, but with staff in different locations sometimes there are slight delays in getting the information in place. 

We thank you for your patience and hope you are all keeping safe. 

Beatles Auction 2020 - John Lennon Theatre Programme

In His Own Write and Black Comedy performances at the Liverpool Playhouse between the 18th March and 5th April 1969. In His Own Write was originally written by John Lennon in 1964. The 20-page programme features various advertisements along with a short synopsis with quotes from John regarding the book 

Estimate - £60-£70

The auction is online only for 2020.
To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.
The catalogue will appear on these sites as soon as it is ready.

Beatles Auction 2020 - George Harrison Unused Cheques

Two Harrisongs Limited unused cheques National Westminster No 95/96 

Estimate - £100-£120

The auction is online only for 2020.
To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.
The catalogue will appear on these sites as soon as it is ready.

Beatles Auction 2020 - Paul McCartney & Wings Red Rose Speedway Frisbee

An Apple/EMI Paul McCartney and Wings promotional frisbee for the group's 1973 album ‘Red Rose Speedway’. 

These were thrown out into the audience at concerts. 

It measures 20cm (7.8 inches) in diameter 

Estimate - £120-£150

The auction is online only for 2020.
To bid you need to register at either of the sites hosting the auction.
The catalogue will appear on these sites as soon as it is ready.