Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Ringo Starr's Sick Pay Records

This year's auction is proving to be extremely interesting in terms of rare and one-off items.
These documents are simply fascinating.
They are amongst a lot covering the sickness benefits paid out to Richard Starkey (obviously later known as Ringo Starr) while working as a fitter for H Hunt and Sons in the late fifties.
In the documents are two work related injury reports from 1958, detailing two occasions where he injured his hands while working. There are also two Sickness Benefit Shuttle Cards which were sent away so they could check whether he had paid in enough contributions to be entitled to sick pay.
It seems that besides work related injuries poor Richie was quite susceptible to chills, particularly of the bronchial kind.

(sensitive information has been blurred out on these photographs)

This collection of paperwork is unique and was rescued by the vendor from being throwaway and lost completely.  It will be up for auction next month in our Liverpool Beatles Auction and is expected to reach between £1000-£1200


The 2016 Liverpool Beatles Memorabilia Auction takes place on 27th August 2016 at the Paul McCartney Auditorium at The Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts. . All valuations are free.

For contact details regarding valuations and questions about the auction click here.

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