Thursday, 12 January 2012

2012 Auction

We have now started to take in lots for the 2012 Liverpool Beatles Auction.

The auction is held the Saturday before the August Bank Holiday every year, but lots are taken in well in advance. Space in the auction is limited so we encourage people to contact us about potential lots as soon as possible. Most years the sale is full by the start of June.

If you have an item you'd like us to consider including, please check out our FAQ section before contacting us.

Our valuations are free, see the contact section to get in touch with us.

The auction takes place on Saturday August 25th 2012 at The Paul McCartney Auditorium at LIPA. It is organised by The Beatles Shop on Mathew Street, where lots are still being taken in up until June. Contact details are listed on the right of this page, and potential vendors and buyers should read the FAQs and the relevant buyers/sellers notes.

If you have any items of interest for the auction please contact us. Click the link on the right for details of how to get in touch.

Press enquiries should be made through the same contact link. Better images of items can be made available to the press upon request.