We are very pleased to say that we have reached our quota of items for the 2011 auction.
The number of lots we are able to take is limited due to the time available to us that day.
Please DO NOT attempt to turn up with items on the day of the auction, ALL auction items are taken in advance of the sale. No exceptions.
However we are still able to offer valuations on any items you may have. The service is free and we will also be able to advise you if your item would be considered for the 2012 Beatles Auction when we start taking lots in again around November.
There are various ways we can assess your items.
You can bring them into the shop for us to look at. It is best to call in advance to be certain someone will be available to look at your items. If you just call in on the off the chance then please try not to make it a Friday as the person you will need to see isn't usually available that day. The shop is open every day of the week however so there's plenty of other opportunities.
You can also email the shop sending as much detail about your items as possible, preferably with photographs. The same applies if you contact us via the post. Scans or good quality photocopies of the items are useful.
IMPORTANT -We will not assess any autographed items without seeing them, whether in person or via a good, clear photograph, scan or laser photocopy.
If contacting us via post please enclose a stamped addressed envelope for a reply.
All our contact details are available through the "Contact Us" link on the sidebar on the right hand side of this page.
The auction takes place on August 27th 2011 at The Paul McCartney Auditorium at LIPA. It is organised by The Beatles Shop on Mathew Street, where lots are still being taken in up until June. Contact details are listed on the right of this page, and potential vendors and buyers should read the FAQs and the relevant buyers/sellers notes.
If you have any items of interest for the auction please contact us. Click the link on the right for details of how to get in touch.
Press enquiries should be made through the same contact link. Better images of items can be made available to the press upon request.