Saturday, 7 August 2021

Beatles Auction 2021 - Tony Sheridan and Beatles Polydor Singles

Tony Sheridan & The Beatles My Bonnie orange Polydor single NH66833 £50-£60

The Beatles Cry For A Shadow orange Polydor single NH52275 centre has been pushed out £40-£50

The 2021 Annual Liverpool Beatles Auction is now at capacity and we cannot take in any more items for the sale. 
The Auction will be taking place on Saturday 28th August at Cato Crane Auctioneers.
There will be a viewing day at the same location on Friday 27th August.
Although the shop is now back open, we are operating at reduced hours and currently, Stephen is only in on certain days (mostly Thursday, Friday and Saturday). The best way to get in touch if you have any enquiries about lots in this year’s sale is via email at - please mention Auction 2021 somewhere in the subject line.