Monday, 10 August 2015

Ringo's Radiogram

This is my favourite item in our Beatles Auction this year!

It's a custom made radiogram that used to belong to Ringo Starr and Maureen Starkey.  If you follow this link you can see a photo of it in their flat in Montagu Square, with Maureen sitting on top of it!)

Here's the description from our catalogue.

Lot 240 -  A custom built radiogram formerly the property of Ringo Starr and Maureen Starkey when they lived at 34 Montagu Square, London 1965. It is a quality piece with a Garrad record deck, Leak amp and Armstrong tuner with twin speakers. The deck etc. are currently not in working order.  Ringo gave the radiogram to his Auntie Everley and Uncle Jim in whose possession it has been since 1966 (1) £800-£1000


The 2015 Liverpool Beatles Memorabilia Auction takes place on 29th August 2015 at the Paul McCartney Auditorium at The Liverpool Institute for the Performing Arts.

For contact details regarding valuations and questions about the auction click here.

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