Tuesday, 22 June 2021


Unfortunately for anyone looking to place anything in our 2021 Beatles Auction we are rather pleased to announced that the auction is now full and looks set to be our biggest ever!

In fact we've been so busy sorting out the large amount of stuff that has come in that we haven't had time to do the usual updates on here! However, stay tuned as we will be making up for that and there are going to be some amazing items up for sale this year. 

There's going to be a flurry of updates in the coming weeks so do call back often, or keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates. We are very excited about this year's event!

We will be updating all the other auction details on here too, just as soon as we know what we are allowed to do regards attendance etc... Hopefully we'll be able to see more of you in the auction room this year, wherever we end up holding the sale.