Saturday, 19 June 2021

Beatles Auction 2021 - Freda Kelly's Cavern Club Card and Badge

If you aren't familiar with who Freda Kelly is pop onto a streaming service and look for a documentary called Good Ol' Freda (I think it's still on Netflix and there is a DVD available too) 

Freda was the secretary of the Beatles Fan Club and is one of our very favourite visitors in the shop. 

This Cavern Club membership card and pennant shaped Cavern pin was given to Freda by the, then, owner of the club Alf Geohegan. 

The membership runs from August 1966 through to July 1967.

The card is going up for sale in our Annual Liverpool Beatles Memorabilia Auction this coming August and it carries an estimate of £700-£800. 


If you have anything you'd like us to consider for the 2021 Liverpool Beatles Memorabilia Auction, please do get in touch. But please beware the auction is close to the full capacity of lots. 

Although the shop is now back open, we are operating at reduced hours and currently, Stephen is only in on certain days (mostly Thursday, Friday and Saturday). The best way to get in touch is via email at - please mention Auction 2021 somewhere in the subject line. Let us know what you have and if possible include clear photographs of items. Valuations are free and there is no obligation to place your items with us.

Email is also the best way to contact us if you have any questions regarding items posted on this blog. 

Lots of things are yet to be confirmed with regards to the auction so please keep checking back for updates or "Like" our Facebook page to be kept up to date.