Thursday, 6 June 2013

Boxing Beatles

Most Beatles memorabilia had some kind of packaging. A lot of boxes and outer packaging was simply discarded which makes it quite collectable nowadays.

Here’s a few boxes for some of the novelty items and collectors cards that were available in the 60s.


Display box for Beatles Bubble Gum and trading cards made by TCG(Topps)


Estimate £100-£150


Display Box for The Beatles Diary 1965 made by HB Langman Co. (Scotland)


Estimate £200-£250


Display box for Licorice Records made by Clevedon Confectionary including five original licorice records – one of each available sleeve design.


Estimate £375-£425


Sealed box of bubble gum colour trading cards containing 24 unopened packets.


Estimate £275-£325



The 2013 Liverpool Beatles Auction takes place on 24th August at The Paul McCartney Auditorium at LIPA in Liverpool. Over 300 lots will be up for auction. Catalogues will be available end of July/beginning of August – details of how to download/obtain a catalogue will appear on this blog site nearer the time.