Thursday, 18 August 2011

How Absentee Bidding Works

We've had a few questions about how the absentee bidding works.

All you need to do is to tell us the amount you would bid up to if you were in the room. Once we have a note of this limit we will bid on your behalf up to that amount. We are required to obtain the item for the best price within  your limit depending on reserves and bids in the room. 

So, for example - you choose a top bid of £100
In the auction room the bidding begins at £50, a bidder in the room bids £55, the reserve is £60 so the auctioneer will bid that amount on your behalf, the bidder increases their bid to £65, the auctioneer will bid £70. The other bidder drops out. The item is yours for £70 (plus buyers premium and postage of course)

Please note - Bids in the room take precedence over absentee bids so in the above example, if the bidder in the room took the bid up to £100 they would win the item not you.

Not all items have reserves on them, but we are not allowed to give details of any reserve prices on items.
We also cannot tell you what other absentee bidders have bid on items, however we can advise you whether your bid has a good chance of success. (But please do note that this is in no way a guarantee that you will be successful, we don't know how things will go in the room on the day.)

Absentee bids need to be placed with us at least 24 hours in advance as we need to make sure all the information is with the auctioneer on the day. Placing an absentee bid is a clear intention to buy. Bids may be withdrawn at any time up to 24 hours before the auction.

This means all absentee bids need to be with us by the morning of Friday 26th August. This is also the last opportunity to increase, change or withdraw your bid.

You can fax your bid to us on 0113 2779750, or from the USA 0144113 2779750. Or you can email bids 
to,  please get in touch if an emailed bid is not acknowledged within two days.
We need the following information for absentee bids
-Lot Number
-Top bid (a clear figure, not a range or vague amount. We do not accept unlimited or "buy" bids)
-Your name and contact details.
You may be asked to secure an absentee bid by giving credit card details. No payment will be taken using these details unless you default on a winning bid. Winning bidders will be contacted as soon as possible after the sale to arrange/confirm payment details.

If you have any more questions email via the above link or telephone 0151 236 8066.