Tuesday, 2 August 2011

2011 Liverpool Beatles Auction Catalogue now available to download.

The 2011 auction catalogue is now available to download in pdf format.
Most browsers will open the file but you can also right click to save it onto your own computer.

2011 Liverpool Beatles Auction Catalogue Download. (118kb approx pdf file)
2011 Catalogue photographs - (9.65Mb approx pdf file) Please note, these photo pages are laid out for the print catalogue, hence the large file size.

If you do need a pdf reader it is available free from adobe.
You can also read pdf files on an number of devices including the Kindle by simply dragging the files your device.

A large number of lots have been covered in this blog, to find them use the search facility provided on the right, or go through the archives also listed on the right.

The printed version of the catalogue is not yet available. Details will appear on this blog as soon as we have them available to send out/collect.