Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Great Pop Prom

The Royal Albert Hall is one of the country's more famous venues, but The Beatles only played there once. They appeared at The Great Pop Prom on 15th September 1963, The Rolling Stones were also on the bill.

We have two items in the forthcoming auction relating to this event.
One is a programme for the concert. (estimate £250-£300)
Great Pop Prom Programclick for larger image

And the other is a ticket stub from the show. (est £150-£200)
Pop Prom Ticketclick for a larger image

If you have any items of interest for the auction please contact us. Click the link on the right for details of how to get in touch.

Press enquiries should be made through the same contact link.
Better images of items can be made available to the press upon request.