Friday, 18 February 2022

2022 Liverpool Beatles Memorabilia Auction - All the News So Far

The finer details of our 2022 Liverpool Beatles Memorabilia Auction are still waiting to the finalised, but here's what we know so far - 

- it's happening!
-it will be on Saturday 27th August 
- there should be some kind of viewing day on Friday 26th August
- it will be online again this year as well as (hopefully) back in a venue to accommodate more attendees.

As soon as we have venue details and any other information we will be sure to let people know. 

One other thing we do know is that after the last couple of years it will be really good to see some of you in person again! 

Items are already being taken in for the event so be ready for flurries of blog posts. We will try to cover as much as we can as it comes in, but we can't cover every single item due to time constraints. 

Some of the info pages on this blog have had a little makeover and the details for valuations and taking in items have changed this year due to staff availability on certain days. Please check the Contact Us section for details and please note, that those details are subject to change later on in the year.