Monday, 29 July 2013

How To Get a Catalogue for the 2013 Auction

The 2013 Liverpool Beatles Auction catalogue is at the printers and will be available later this week.
Catalogues are free, but we do have to charge for postage and packaging where applicable.
Here's how to get a copy -

- if you're local, pop in and pick one up. They should be here by the weekend of the 3rd August.
- if you're in the UK, write your name and address on an A5 sized envelope with a large letter stamp on it and pop it in another envelope addressed to Auction Catalogue, The Beatles Shop, 31 Mathew Street, Liverpool, L2 6RE.  Please note if you affix the wrong kind of stamp you may be charged extra postage when the catalogue arrives with you.
- if you're overseas, email us at for details of how to pay the postage fees for us to send the catalogue to you. Put Catalogue Request in the subject line.
- if you are coming to Liverpool for Beatle Week someone should be in the lounge or foyer of the Adelphi handing out catalogues on the Friday of the viewing day and the Saturday morning before the auction.
- Catalogues will also be available at the auction venue on the viewing day and the day of the auction.

The catalogue is also available to download by clicking this link.