Thursday, 30 May 2013

Badfinger/Iveys correspondence.

There's quite a few Cavern related letters going into the auction this year. The ones listed here all relate to The Iveys and later Badfinger who were probably the biggest band (other than the Beatles/solo) to record for Apple Records. 

Clicking the pictures should take you to larger images.
 A Fresh From Apple leaflet signed by the manager of The Iveys, Bill Collins to the owner of the Cavern Club.
Estimate £125-£150

Typed letter confirming a booking for The Iveys at the Cavern on 27th June 1968. (They shared the bill with Status Quo)
Estimate  £150-£200

A two page hand written letter dated 8th July 1969 from Bill Collins to the owner of the Cavern talking about the launch of the Plastic Ono Band.

Estimate £175-£250

Another handwritten letter from Bill with updates about how things were going with Apple. 
Estimate £150-£200

The Iveys became Badfinger. Here are a couple of postcards from Bill to Alf from their American tour in 1970, including one updating him on the progress of their single No Matter What. 
Estimate £125-£150

Estimate £100-£125

 The 2013 Liverpool Beatles Auction will take place on Saturday 24th August at The Paul McCartney Auditorium in LIPA, Liverpool. Details of how to get/download a catalogue will appear here nearer the date.

We're sorry but we can not take any more items into this year's sale. We will start to take items in for the 2014 Auction about November 2013, please feel free to contact us for further details/valuations. (See contacts page for information and availability)