Monday, 9 July 2012

Important Information about absentee bidding.

We are getting several enquires about placing absentee (or proxy) bids on items in this year's auction so this is just to clarify a few points at this stage.

We cannot take any bids at the moment. This is because the items are not catalogued yet. Once we know what lot numbers items are going to be we can start taking absentee bids on them. This is to keep the paperwork in order. If you email us with bids before then we won't have the system in place to make sure your bid is with the correct item. The items are being are currently being sorted into lot order, this does takes time as we have a lot of items in the auction this year.

As soon as the catalogue is ready there will be details on this page as to how to get a copy, as well as being available to download in pdf format. You can bookmark this page and check back, add the feed to your feed reader to get alerts when there are new posts, or keep an eye on our facebook profile or twitter page for updates.

Further details about absentee bidding can be found in our FAQ section (see link at the top of the page)
And please refer to our Buyer notes regarding buyer's premiums etc... (also via the link at the top of the page)

Please note - We cannot offer any "live" absentee bidding via the internet or telephone. We do not have the resources to do this. You are free to make your own arrangements for live absentee bidding, however this is entirely at your own risk and we are not responsible for any failures in these arrangements.