Thursday, 31 March 2011

Rare Cavern Handbills

These Cavern Handbills are very rare items. Most of the time handbills were simply discarded after the events listed on them had passed so examples are few and far between, particularly older ones.

Both of these handbills are from the end of 1959 and both feature The Swinging Blue Genes.

One includes details of an appearance in the Cavern by Rory Storm and The Hurricanes, which would have included Ringo Starr on the drums.

(Click for larger image) The above handbill carries an estimate of £70-£80

(Click for larger image) The above handbill carries an estimate of £50-£60

If you have any items of interest for the auction please contact us. Click the link on the right for details of how to get in touch.

Press enquiries should be made through the same contact link. Better images of items can be made available to the press upon request.